Other Seekers
Nothing among the ads
in "Men Seeking Women"
seemed to do justice to the
woman she believes her mother is.
But the ad in "Other Seekers"
produced a smile
    along with one of those 'too crazy by half' motions
      - something between "get outa here" and that almost contained urge
        to rub your ear on a shoulder.
      "Poet with a distant connection to LC seeks
      mother and her oldest twin daughter to complete
      a circle before winter."
The first, brief email was from a numbered
hotmail account.       "Trophy hunter?"
He replied,
"A man reaches
      for a woman, and makes love
      to her mother, and then
      her mother's mother...
      following first the river,
            and then the stream - back
      to the spring from where
      that light in her eyes
      first flowed."